Consultant - José Silva
Aware of the complexity and specificity of contemporary society, and the specialization that it imposes on the legal universe, M|B Lawyers has the economic and financial advice of the Statutory Auditor, José Silva.
José Silva
Statury Auditor num. 1803
He carries out his professional activity in the field of financial, administrative, accounting and tax control.
He was responsible for several financial audit procedures and review of financial statements.
Provides economic and tax advice within the scope of legal proceedings, namely in carrying out accounting, tax and financial expertise.
Tem assessorado a criação de diversos projetos de investimento em diversificados sectores económicos, tendo também participado em procedimentos pré-contratuais de avaliação de negócios e elaboração de projetos de recuperação económica de empresas.
Within the scope of consultancy to corporate life, he has been responsible for issuing various opinions in the context of operations involving the transformation, demerger and merger of companies and increase in share capital.
In the tax field, he has also advised various tax claims before the tax administration.
Professional Background
Statutory Auditor, since 2005.
Portuguese and English
Academic Background
- Masters in Financial Management by Instituto Superior de Gestão;
– Business & Economics School, 2015.